Meet the Maker!

Howdy! I'm Alida, the face behind Alida Rae! I'm a self-taught silversmith! Currently, my studio is about an hour away and I haven't had the time to get back to it lately. Hopefully, I will have my very own studio built on our property soon! *fingers crossed!*
I've been creating art pieces ever since I was little! I've taken various art classes all throughout my life; such as, painting, ceramics, still-life drawing, mosaic, etc. Maybe this website will eventually have various art crafts/handmade things, other than jewelry? Who knows! I love learning new things and being creative!

I started silversmithing because I've always loved turquoise jewelry, but couldn't find the ones I liked or in my size. I have SUPER skinny wrists and thin fingers; and it does not help that I'm extremely picky with turquoises. HA! I have dabbed in jewelry making (beading) before, and my husband told me that I'm capable of making my own. So he took me to Kingman Turquoise mine and bought me my very own turquoise cabs, and then bought me the tools I need to get started. What a man! He also *secretly* supports my stone-hoarding problems. ;) I do have this hoarding problem. I have way too many stones, plenty of ideas (tons of jewelry drawings in my sketchbook!!), but not enough silver (it is expensive, ok?!) or time (always traveling!!) to transform them all into beautiful pieces!

I'm super grateful for this husband of mine! He pushes me to step out of my comfort zone and explore new things! He always believes in me and always wants me to continue to explore things. Such as learning how to garden, taking aromatherapy courses, and learning how to fly a plane! He always wants the best for me. :)
Anyhoooo..... Thanks for being here and supporting my craft; I hope you'll find my jewelry that inspires and empowers you while wearing it! As we all know wearing jewelry DOES elevate our outfit and personality! :)